Assessing ICT User Groups

به نام خدا

Title: Assessing ICT User Groups

Authors: Benjamin Weiss, Ina Wechsung, Stefanie Marquardt

Abstract: A questionnaire to assess attitude towards information and communication technology (ICT) and experience with it is developed and evaluated. With 30 items user attributes are collected on six factors. With this questionnaire, individual users can be clustered in accordance with an existing ICT taxonomy. A revised version is proposed after the validation of the first questionnaire. This screening instrument is meant to complement existing methods of assessing competency with technology. Furthermore, the possibility to classify users within the ICT taxonomy provides additional means to analyze data from interaction experiments and to screen prospective participants for usability tests and scientific experiments.   

Publish Year: 2012

Published in: NordiCHI - ACM

Number of Pages: 9

موضوع: فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات

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